What is Autism Anyway?

What is Autism Anyway?

What is Autism? It seems like a reasonable question to ask but isn’t as easy to answer as you might think. There are so many answers because autism is experienced differently by each individual person. So, giving a simple one-line description of exactly what autism is...

It’s Not Depression, it’s Autism!

It’s Not Depression, it’s Autism!

When my six year old son told me he wanted to kill himself, I had no idea it would result in a diagnosis of autism.
I hadn’t seen the signs, I didn’t know what I was looking for and I was at a loss to know what to do next.
This was the shocking start of a very long and life changing journey

Should I Get an Autism Diagnosis For My Child?

Should I Get an Autism Diagnosis For My Child?

Are you a worried parent who doesn’t know why your child seems different? Do you have suspicions that your child may be autistic? Are you unsure if getting a diagnosis will make any difference? Are you concerned about giving your child a label? Are you frightened that a diagnosis for your child may negatively impact their life? Or do you see a lot of yourself in your child and you got through life just fine, so why bother?